Kelly Snowshoes Snowmobile Club

The Kelly Snowshoes Snowmobile Club maintains 43 miles of snowmobile trails in Wisconsin's Marathon County, which is located in the Weston, Bevent, Kronenwetter, and Hatley area. Of our 43 miles, just over 40 miles are also for ATV use. To keep our Zone 3 trails sled-ready for you to enjoy, our club maintains two groomers, a Sur-Trac and a Tucker.
Current Marathon County Trail Status:
Zone 1: Open
Zone 2: Open
Zone 3: Open (Kelly Snowshoes Trails)
Zone 4: Open
Zone 5: Open
Zone 6: Open
ALWAYS use the official Marathon County Website for the latest information on trail closings and conditions. For quick access, you can find the link below as well as on our "Links" Page.
This link will take you to the "Marathon County Trail Status" then click on "Snowmobile/Winter ATV Trails" to see details on each Zone.
Be A Safe Rider
Respect landowner property
Respect other snowmobilers
Check trail & weather conditions
Dress appropriately
Wear proper safely equipment
Fully charge cell phone, take cord
Take a flashlight (aside from phone)
Take a first-aid kit
Take trails maps (load trail apps)
Travel with others
Let someone know your plans
Stay on trails
Stay to the right on trails
Expect to meet a sled on each corner
Be alert
Slow down and be safe
Read and obey signs
Pay attention to intersection #'s
Nighttime speed limit is 55 mph
Wise decisions about alcohol use
Enjoy! It's a short season!

Plan Your Trip:
Plan your trip by checking the official trail status and trail conditions where you will be riding. The following links are provided here for your convenience to assist on your next ride: