Kelly Snowshoes Snowmobile Club
Our Club / Trials
This snowmobile club was founded in October 1973 with 16 members and membership has grown to 100 members over the years. We hold monthly meetings, the second Tuesday of each month, from September through April, to discuss and make decisions on club business and to enjoy some camaraderie.
We are united with and a member of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC), support safe and responsible snowmobiling, and proudly maintain about 43 of Wisconsin's more than 25,000 miles of trails. Those 43 miles can be found in Marathon County, which is right in the center of the state of Wisconsin. Marathon County has 798 miles in total within six zones. According to the WI DNR, Wisconsin has approximately 200,000 registered snowmobiles. Of those, 8,841 are registered in Marathon County!
We own and maintain two groomers that are used by club members routinely during the snowmobile season to keep our Zone 3 trails sled-ready for all of you. All this time is volunteer.
Finances are derived from state funding via snowmobile registrations, the gas tax use formula, memberships, our Winter Raffle, Month-long Cash Raffle, as well as individual and business donations. As of 2015, Kelly Snowshoes benefits from the Wisconsin Trail Pass fund, which supports local trail maintenance efforts.